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British Springer is too young to train

Time:2020-03-27 Click:
1. Take Spenger out to play, take Spinger to walk around crowded places, practice courage
2. Bring Spinger into contact with other dogs. Maybe it's not timid, but shy.
3. When walking the dog, you can loosen the chain and let it be in contact with the outside environment. When it is afraid, as the owner, you should promptly encourage it to come forward; give it some rewards when it is brave enough. Training can increase guts. If you are still afraid of other dogs, then teach (tell) him not to be afraid, to comfort him and give him a subconscious influence.
4. Don't always hold Springer. Many people think that this is a petting performance. In fact, this will only rub the Spenger's guts. If he always holds it, he will dread it.
5. Wait slowly. In fact, Springer has a different personality like people. Timidness is only temporary. When you grow up, your dog's nature is exposed, so you don't have to worry too much.
6. In short, dogs are just like people. Only by constantly contacting the outside environment can their personality change.
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